DSR Website Launch and 2020 Update

Hey DSR Fans! 

Elise here....hope everyone is having a great winter and isn't missing racing too much.  We are definitely missing those warm track nights and summer sunsets at the track, but we are managing (kind of).

Actually...we have been working extra hard this winter to make sure that we can give the best to our wonderful community and fans out there. For one, we now have this awesome site (danshetlerracing.com) for all of our fans to shop for merchandise. Can't make it to the track? Need a quick gift?  We totally got ya! We will be posting our schedule on here and hopefully some pictures throughout the year.  I am going to try and write blogs through the year too so be on the lookout on Facebook for them!

We have some AMAZING things in store coming up for 2020 and an entire new line of merchandise. (insert clapping hands here).  We are really excited to get them in your hands and more importantly pumped to see them in the stands this year.  

Dan and crew have been working hard on both the 29 and 7K over the winter already.  We will see Dan splitting time between both cars again so be on the lookout for either when you are at your local track! They have also been working on getting a new motor home ready for this year to haul the trailer.  We will have a nice place to stay and Brutus and Henney will maybe make some appearances (which I am pretty excited about myself!) 

We are looking forward to seeing all of you here soon! Racing season has already started in FL and it will be back to our Pennsylvania roots before we know it! 

Take care and keep your eyes out for those new 2020 designs and merchandise! We will have options this year for a simple design as well as the standard design with the car on it! 


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